Barták got his Ph.D. in Computer Science in Charles University, Prague
in 1997. Since then he works as an assistant professor and a researcher
there. He leads the Constraint & Logic Programming Research Group that
is involved in activities of the ERCIM Working Group on Constraints and
PLANET II. Since 1999 he leads research activities of Visopt
BV, a multinational company located in The Netherlands, Israel,
Germany, and Czech Republic. He is the main architect of the scheduling
engine being developed by this company. His work focuses on techniques
of constraint satisfaction and their application to planning and scheduling.
Dr. Barták is teaching a course on Constraint Programming at Charles University
since 1998 and he had several tutorial-like invited talks abroad. He is
the author of the On-line
Guide to Constraint Programming; he also published several
journal surveys on Constraint Programming.
Contact information:
Roman Barták |
University, Prague
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical
náměstí 2/25
118 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
+420 221 914 242
fax: +420 257 532 087
e-mail: bartak
URL: |